Friday, June 1, 2018


I have been asked numerous times lately what I have been doing to drop some body fat. In a prior post, I wrote about how I have been intermittent fasting for the last few months. It is something I tried years ago and it just didn't fit my lifestyle or my goals at the time. I sort of fell into fasting as of lately. I wake up, drink my coffee black, typically workout in am or sometime before noon, and then drink or eat my first meal of the day. Mornings are so much easier!

There is a lot of research on fasting and what it can do for the body. Educate yourself if you are interested. A great article to refer to for a broader understanding: .

One product I have found to help me while working out and coming off of a fast is Biosteel's Natural High Performance Sports Mix. I love this product. No sugar added and it tastes fantastic

What it helps with:
  • Electrolyte supplement
  • Branched chain amino acids
  • Metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins
  • Immune function
  • Maintain Proper muscle function.

After I have worked out, I will drink a shake with protein and carbohydrates. Generally that is 2 scoops of Advocare Muscle Gain and 1 banana. I am not a huge promoter of any protein powder. You have to find what you will consistently buy and drink! Advocare does the trick for me

The biggest advantage to fasting has been easier mornings, only two kids to feed and get out the door! Also, I have dropped some body fat and feel fantastic while doing so.

**Discover what works best for you!**